Functional Skills

Functional Skills
Course Info

Course Information


We offer a FREE Functional Skills: English & Maths (up to Level 2) course to all of our students! If you don't have formal Maths & English qualifications already, it is strongly recommended that you take this opportunity.

- Entry requirement for almost all universities 

- Equivalent to GCSE (Grade C / Grade 4)

- Become more employable


When Is It and For How Long?

This depends when you sign up and how advanced your skills are already. Your teacher will give you a short assessment to determine your current skill level. 

Classes are estimated to be about 1-3 hours long, one day a week. 


How Do I Register? 

To be added to the list, please email with the following details: 

- Your interest in the Maths & English course

- Your full name

- Your phone number 

You can also text/call us on 07883731312


What if I'm already a student at City College, or have been in the past?

You can still join the list for the Functional Skills course! See one of the members of The Admissions Team on campus, or you can call or text us on 07883731312


PLEASE NOTE: The Functional Skills (Maths & English) start date is still PENDING. It is estimated to start before 2024. If you would like to be added to the list, please let us know and we will be able to inform you when the start date and more course details are available.